Skeletons by Ray Bradbury and Other Stuff

His teeth began to chatter. God All-Mighty! he thought, why haven’t I realized it all these years? All these years I’ve gone around with a – SKELETON – inside me! How is it we take ourselves for granted? How is it we never question our bodies and our being?

What a great way to start off the RIP Challenge. I had finished last years RIP Challenge with The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury which I highly, highly recommend to anyone as a read this year, so I wanted to start this years with some more Bradbury who’s writing I’ve just fallen in love with.

Skeletons is a short chapbook that was published by Subterranean Press that contains two short stories, both entitled “Skeleton” that were written by Bradbury in 1945. The first is much longer and in my opinion, much better. The book has numerous illustrations on each of it’s 44 pages by Dave McKean which add to it’s creepiness. The story focuses on a man who suddenly begins to be bothered by the bones in his body. After seeing his doctor and being blown off, he goes to another “doctor” with no MD behind his name that puts the idea into his head that his skeleton is what’s bothering him and he’s heard of this before. What follows is a journey into madness as the man feels invaded by the skeleton within his body as if it is a separate being from him and he’ll do whatever it takes to overcome it’s “control” over him. Another Bradbury great and a great start to the RIP challenge!

In other news, please keep your fingers crossed that this bitch of a hurricane, Gustav stays the hell away from us. It’s projected path takes it right to us right now on Monday as a category 3 or 4 hurricane and it’s now being dubbed “Katrina 2” down here. Not a good sign…Please no…

In better news, Megan is down here for a few days! It’s nice to get some visiting time in with her and to hang out a little bit. Her mom had her gall bladder removed today so she flew down to spend some time with her for a few days. We went and had dinner and talked for awhile after work tonight and that was really nice. Good to see that we have no problems falling into conversation and old times.

Stay tuned tomorrow for what I promise is one hell of an interview with author John Lawson who wrote Witch Ember and The Raven which I reviewed earlier this year. You don’t want to miss this great interview!

20 Responses

  1. Ooh curious! I have never read Ray Bradbury, but like the sound of Skeletons!

  2. I bought The Halloween Tree based on your recommendation, I believe. I plan to read it very soon! I think I forgot it on my list, though. I REALLY need to post my review of Witch Ember. I am so slow, it’s terrible. I look forward to the interview, though, and eventually I would like to read his other book. And, I hope all is well with you weather wise… I have only ever experienced one hurricane and it was not great! We are not really set up for them for starters! We are more blizzard folk, and I mean, I drive in blizzards, so they are second-nature.

  3. well look at you getting started before september! sheesh lol lol… This is more like the son I adopted! Sure glad something stung you in the butt and got you back to the blogs a bit more! :o)

    Ewww, I hope the hurricane stays away from you! I can’t win with hurricanes anymore.. i have my son and his family in Ft Lauderdale (east coast of fla) and you in the Gulf! *sigh*..

  4. Ooo, the Bradbury sounds wonderfully creepy. I need to read more of his stuff! I’m hoping that Gustav stays away from you, too!

  5. How come I didn’t know about this one? I must read it! See, I knew this challenge would double my wishlist…two days in and it’s already begun 😛

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed about Gustav. And I’m glad to hear you and Megan had a nice time together. And last but not least, I’m really looking forward to that interview!

  6. I’ll be back for the Lawson interview, I’ll be receiving both of those to review soon. I was so happy when he contacted me because I’d seen the books reviewed by bloggers I trust 🙂

    I’ll have to see if I can squeeze in a Bradbury or two this time round.

    I saw that on the news this morning about the hurricane. Scary. Let’s hope it changes course or doesn’t strengthen to that category.

  7. I hadn’t seen the chapbook for Skeletons before. I’ve read the short story Skeleton out of the October Country years ago. I need to track this down and check it out. Thank you for the review.

    I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed about Gustav that it doesn’t strengthen the way they think it will and will avoid major damage. Lots of good thoughts headed your way.

  8. Gustav is such a badass name, too. That makes it sound extra scary.

    I’m wanting this book for the McKean illustrations alone!

  9. I’m with you on that Gustav thing. We live about 30 minutes outside of Biloxi, MS in Gautier. Katrina did some damage here too although no as bad as what you experienced. I hope so much that it goes to somewhere, anywhere else this time!

  10. I’ve been out of touch on the news lately, so I just now heard about Gustav on NPR. Of course, I immediately thought of you and started worrying like hell. I’m definitely sending all the positive thoughts I can your way, hoping like crazy that damn thing just goes somewhere else! If any people deserve a break, it’s the people of New Orleans and thereabouts! You sure as hell could use a break about now, huh? (Yeah, that last thought deserves understatement of year status.)

    Now, about Skeletons…ohhhh, but does that sound good! Do hope I can get my hands on it. I can’t believe I totally left Bradbury off my pool…what the hell is wrong with me?!! Must remedy that!

  11. Totally off-topic, but I’m sending you wishes for safety as Gustav heads toward the Gulf Coast.

  12. Great start to the R.I.P. III reviews, Chris. This is one I really went back and forth on buying. I have spent so much money at Subterranean Press this year I finally had to take my hand off the trigger. Sounds great though and with McKean illustrations…oh, the temptations!!!

  13. Great review. It sounds so atmospheric and creepy. I haven’t read any Bradbury, sadly, but this may be a good place to start.

  14. Creepy!!

  15. Nice, Chris. We both started off with Bradbury! I didn’t know I was going to until I read him…

  16. Sounds like a fun couple of stories. Dave McKean sure does get around, he is an artist whore!

  17. Great review, I’ve never read a Bradbury I haven’t enjoyed but this is one I didn’t know about. I will definitely be looking for it.

  18. I so love Ray Bradbury. I read “Something Wicked This Way Comes” and “The Homecoming” last year for the RIP and loved them. This story sounds great, too.

  19. […] Skeletons by Ray Bradbury 2. Gossamer by Lois Lowry 3. Four and Twenty Blackbirds by Cherie Priest 4. I’ll be Watching […]

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