Weekend Plans

I’m so excited about the Readathon tomorrow! I didn’t register for it this year because I have a friend in town from Florida so I can’t commit to anything, but I’m going to try to read as much as I can like I did last year. I ended up reading three books during the read a thon last year even though I hadn’t signed up. What I’m most looking forward to is following everyone’s progress. I had so much fun following Debi and Eva’s progress last year and I’ve discovered so many great new blogs since then, so this should really be fun. I’m having a great time reading everyone’s gear up posts!

Meanwhile my arms are recovering from my latest acquisition, a brand new Nintendo Wii!! This thing is so much fun but it proves how very out of shape I am :p I bought it last weekend as my present to myself after the first paycheck came in…now it’s time to start saving :p I’ve always been a HUGE video game fanatic and Nintendo has really taken it to a whole new level with this thing. I can’t wait to start testing out some of the new games for the system.

We’re supposed to go to a water party on Sunday and I’m not really sure what’s all involved with that, but it sounds like fun. All I know is that summer is definitely here and it’s been extremely hot so anything that involves submerging ones self in water and a few beers sounds good to me! I shall see on Sunday what exactly this is and report back then 😉

Oh, and Weekly Geeks #9! I’m actually ahead of the game on this one! See that little tab up there that says “Challenges”? If you click on that it will bring you to a list of all of my current challenges, all of the books that I have to read, a strikethrough of the ones that I’ve read and a link to the ones I’ve reviewed. Lesson learned from this year. Don’t get yourself over involved in challenges! I’m in way to many right now and it really just doesn’t allow for reading for fun. Nymeth mentioned something similar in her weekly geeks post.

Total random post, I know, but so is life…

17 Responses

  1. I know what you mean about the Wii – I played the bowling game the first day we got it and woke up with a strained shoulder the next morning. How embarrassing! ~LOL~

  2. My brother has a Wii and I scorned it until I saw him ‘running’ and now see it as the best form of entertainment ever! Not playing it, mind you, but watching others. The boxing is my favourite. Large, out of condition office workers punching the air and making ooff faces…

  3. I grew up with the nintendo and have always loved it! I don’t have a WII yet, but since they came out with a new MarioKart we may just break down and get one. I could play that game forever.

    I can’t do the read-a-thon either because of a water party! Go figure!

  4. A water party huh?.. well I’ve never been to one, but call it intuition but I don’t think I’d wear my best clothes to the party..heh.

    I hope you have a fun weekend baby boy..I know you will have fun when Megan gets there too! Wow, you sure have lots of company! (must be summer!)

  5. Yeah, I cannot get over how many challenges people are in! I would never be able to do it personally. I just join a select few here and there. Especially with my reading down so much this year… Anyways, good luck with all those! Hope you have a good weekend!

  6. You got a wii! How fun! Now you can play Mario Galaxy! I don’t have one, but I’ve played a few times at a friend’s house and it’s just awesome.

    I don’t know what a water party is either, but it sounds absolutely perfect. Have a great weekend, Chris 🙂

  7. I love the Wii! Have a blast!

  8. Woah. Wii. It’s a real time sucker. Soon you’ll stop reading! :p

    Random is heavenly, because that’s how life is.

  9. You and Nymeth are good. I just blow off my reading challenges if I have spontaneous fun books come my way! As a result, I sometimes fail reading challenges, but no one has sent a report card so far, phew!

    By the way, if you’re up and sort of participating, there are a few contests, drawings, etc. that you can enter even if you’re not an official participant!

  10. The Wii’s a lot of fun. Have you gotten Wii Fit? It will show you exactly how out of shape you are (it calculates your weight, BMI, etc.). It’s great, though. We also like bowling and Mario Kart.

    The Readathon sounds blissful, but it’s impossible for me to commit that much time. Bummer. I’ll be following along, too, though 🙂

  11. Heather, It really is embarassing! But it’s so much fun :p Bowling is the only one that I really can’t master yet for some reason!

    Stormfilled, I’m loving the boxing game! That one is a serious work out though. I get so out of breath playing that one…truly sad :p

    Natasha, That’s hilarious that you’re going to a water party too! You’ll have to let me know how yours is. I love Mario Kart. Looking forward to playing that one!

    Deslily, Yeah, I won’t be wearing the nice clothes to the water party, lol. The company has just been rolling in lately! It’s been a really nice change of events. I’ve gone from having no one to hang out with to always having something to do. Only bad thing is I’ve had no time for reading or blogging. I’ll be back soon though!

    Kailana, Thanks! The challenges are all a bit nutty. I think I went just a taaaad overboard, wouldn’t you say? lol

    Nymeth, I haven’t even seen Mario Galaxy yet! Is it fun??? I’ll have to check it out! I love the Wii it’s really great. Nintendo always comes out with the best systems. Oh I wanted to tell you, did you see that Sigur Ros has a new CD coming out?!

    Chris, Isn’t the Wii great?! Definitely having fun with it!

    DO, It’s most certainly a time sucker! And it’s already infringed on my reading time. What are you doing blog hopping? Don’t you have some packing to do?! lol…

    Dewey, I’ve been doing way too much spontaneous reading this year too but I’ve managed to join challenges that those books fit into too like the A to Z challenge and Irresistible Review challenge…those “fill in the blanks” challenges. I’m loving your readathon so much by the way! I’m hoping you do it again in the fall. If you do I’m taking off of work for it and telling friends NOT to come into town!! LOL. I did manage to get a book finished finally because of it, so thanks 🙂 It was the extra push I needed.

    Susan, It’s awesome! I haven’t gotten Wii Fit yet but it’s my next purchase for it! I’m super excited about getting that one! I’ve tried gyms and walking and they just don’t work for me because I don’t like to leave my house, so this will be perfect. I really want Mario Kart too!!!! I’m going to try the Readathon next time Dewey hosts it. I really wish I could’ve done it this time around 😦

  12. I love this post for all its randomness! And I hope your water party involves a slip n’ slide. I love those things! hehe

    Thanks for being such a great unofficial cheerleader. 😀

  13. I love the Wii. Wii Fit is great fun, although I need to get in the habit of using it more often.

    We borrowed Mario Kart from a friend and playing that with the wheels is awesome fun, although I suck at Mario Kart!

    Wii Sports is one of my favourites – boxing is the best! The tennis game is great fun too, and bowling was a big hit last year at family gatherings.

    The new games coming out using the balance board from Wii Fit look pretty cool.

  14. Chris, I wanted to ask you about the new Sigur Ros CD too! I’ve only given it 4 or 5 listens but I think it’s one I’m going to grow to absolutely love! I keep getting little bits of songs stuck in my head. So yeah…once again they do not disappoint 😀

    And Mario Galaxy is a LOT of fun, and absolutely addictive! I like Wii Sports a lot too, and I’m normally not one for sports games.

  15. It’s probably a good thing I’ve only touched our Wii a couple of times, since I managed to throw my back out doing laundry, of all things.

    I missed out on the read-a-thon, but I’m having a blast reading the wrap-ups. Maybe next year we can both join in. I did manage to read three books and parts of 2 more, so I was thinking about the fact that I probably should have signed up. Except, I couldn’t move to post, so that would have screwed things up. LOL

  16. I’m so happy for you, the Wii looks like alot of fun. I’ve heard really good things from friends of mine who have one. Video games are just too much fun. Much to my parents chagrin, I have still never outgrown my fascination with them.

    Hope your weekend was as fun as it sounded like it was going to be!

  17. Reading for fun??? Hmmmm, what is that again? I just realized that I have a pile of books I bought I want to read, and others I put off from other challenges in order to finish the three this month….so I’m reading for fun for the next few weeks! I love saying that!!! so I know how you and Nymeth feel. big eyes, not enough time to read all the books we want, challenge-addicted!!!!

    Have fun with the water party, tell us all about it, won’t you? And Wii……it sounds like a game my whole family might enjoy…..

    random is good, Chris!! and fun 🙂

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